We mobilized during the COVID-19 pandemic to provide
259 laptops for youth!
The digital divide continues to widen and the impact of the pandemic has only hastened the pace.
When the Premier’s Office announced that all publicly funded schools in Ontario were closed indefinitely on March 20, 2020, the Ministry of Education launched Learn at Home. This new online portal provided resources that allowed students to continue learning while schools were closed. These resources were available online for students in Kindergarten to Grade 12. Post-secondary education also made a move to online learning, with lectures being given virtually.
With youth in Ontario now learning online, getting laptops into the hands of the youth who needed them was more important than ever. Despite the hindrances and logistical challenges of the pandemic restrictions, we quickly mobilized during March of 2020 to secure donations to react to the sudden needs of online learning for our youth. As a result, Sky's the Limit was able to quickly get 259 laptops into the hands of youth across the GTA.
“With schools closed and social distancing in place, access to technology is more important than ever. Thank you so much for ensuring Pathways students have access to laptops, so they can continue learning at home.” - Pathways to Education Canada
110 laptops to Rexdale Community Hub!
The Hub’s in-house community service partners work together to provide collaborative social services such as: Career Planning and Job Search, Family Resource Programs, Housing Support, Primary Care, Resident Leadership, Civic Engagement, Public Legal Education Settlement Services and Programming for Newcomers.
5 laptops to Cameron Street school!
We teach more than academics. Our Commit to Character program nurtures universal character traits that transcend racial, religious, socio-economic and cultural lines. Our entire school works together to create a community that is welcoming and inclusive.
85 laptops to Pathways Regent Park!
Pathways to Education™ provides key supports to ensure that youth living in Regent Park & Moss Park will successfully complete high school, continue on to post-secondary programs and become actively engaged in their career development. Pathways strives to increase the academic retention, attainment and success for high school students.
LANd Acknowledgement
Sky’s the Limit Youth Organization, a non-Indigenous organization, is committed to ensuring that all youth have access to technology and the opportunity to expand and heighten their knowledge and skills. We acknowledge our role as settlers in this land on Turtle Island. We are grateful to be able to live and work on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, the Anishinaabeg, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and the Wendat Peoples. We recognize the enduring presence of all First Nations, Métis and the Inuit peoples. We recognize the injustices of colonization and how we, as settlers, have directly benefitted from a colonial culture that has overseen the genocide, systematic oppression, and exploitation of Indigenous peoples. We commit to working toward safe, inclusive, just, equitable and healthy communities for all.